Wednesday 12 September 2012

A Note on Calibration

I know that there are a lot of people out there who dislike the calibration process. This is especially true for people that are using derivatives of printers or have made their own modifications. That being said, anyone who recieves a printer as a perk will have their printer pre-calibrated with the standard values for my particular build. This also goes for those donors who are only recieving the printed parts or the files.
I know it really doesn't seem very important or necessary since the maths involved is pretty simple but it's my way of making everything just a tad easier. That is one of my goals for this project, isn't it? To make this whole process just a tiny bit easier. Also, I'm familiar with technical difficulties in classrooms and, although it is recommend in the materials provided with the printers that calibration methods and formulae be covered simply to round out the build experience, it's one less thing to worry about for whatever reason.
Happy Building!

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