While I have yet to set final price points, here are the tentative donation amounts and the perks that go with them!
~$50-$100 - These amounts don't have perks as of yet. What it is is a $100 donation towards a printer that I will be donating to a deserving teacher or school. If you would like to nominate someone to be the recipient, please let me know why you think they deserve to recieve a free unit and how it might make their job a bit easier.
~$250 - The Class Project: Included is everything you need to get set up: An unassembled (this includes the electronics which you will recieve unsoldered) kit with everything you need to build your opensource printer. Also included are worksheets, diagrams, software options and instruction manual on a thumb drive. Shipping is not included.
~$350 - Deluxe Class Package- Everything from the basic package except the electronics will come to you pre-soldered and you will recieve a spool of ABS filament. Shipping is not included.
~$600 - Premium Classroom Model- This has everything you need: 2kg Filament, pre-soldered electronics, class materials, a larger print bed, 3D laser scanner, and acrylic casing.
~$800 - Premium Model (Aseembled)- Note: The increase in price has to do with the cost of shipping the finished product to you. This includes everything from the premium modeled but you will recieve it pre-assembled and ready for use.
~$1200- The Ultimate Perk- Light and tough, this model includes everything found in the previous models except that it has a casing of 2mm thick carbon fibre and will arrive mostly assembled (The plates for the casing will be laid flat and wrapped to preserve their high gloss finish and the top portion of the frame will be left off to make shipping easier). The frame will either be of carbon fibre or of aluminum. I anticipate that this model will also come with bluetooth and a second print bed for larger projects.
This information is likely to change as I come across parts and make final adjustments to the kits. I will likely be posting a detailed expense list in the next couple of days. Also, I have decided that I will be listing this project on Indiegogo instead of kickstarter simply to get this project in motion and not have to worry about it not making the fundraising goal.
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