Earlier today, I was asked on the RepRap Forums why I wanted to know if anyone had had any success with printed timing belts or something similar. Well, there really is no one major reason as to why I am doing this, there are several: to make things just a bit easier in terms of sourcing the materials, to keep to the philosophy of a getting closer to a completely self replicating machine, to keep costs down, to make it easier to replace, and so on. Pick any reason you want.
I have heard that this particular part is a bit hard to source in some areas so I decided to find some sort of alternative to it. However, this is only something that I am considering. This may change by the time I release my complete design. It all depends on what is the most readily available and what is then the easiest. I have not heard anything to suggest that this is a part that needs to be replaced often so it is not as if there is a desperate need to keep many on hand in case one breaks. I am simply trying to keep my options open.
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